Monday, December 15, 2008

The atheists at Penn State recently held what they called a Blasphemy Challenge. They offered a slice of pizza to anyone who would blaspheme God. The question that needs to be answered is, how can one blaspheme a non-existent entity? Who is being blasphemed?

Once an atheist blasphemes God he leaves unbelief and begins to fight against God. In doing so he is admitting the existence of the God whom he is fighting.

So in having the blasphemy challenge the atheists at Penn State find themselves in the interesting position of declaring the existence of the very God whom they claim does not exist.


RachaelBless said...

The unfortunately reality is that for many of these students, it would be more appropriate from the to join a "I dislike God" club. Since that club doesn't exist in an "accepted" form - yet - they join in with the next best option - the atheists.

You're correct, though. That is shaky logic to blaspheme something that doesn't exist. Perhaps they just want to prove that God doesn't exist by showing that they can do such a thing and not see any concequences. (Look, I didn't get struck by lightning and I even got pizza out of it!)

God is so merciful to us.

Ed A said...

OK, I'm game ....

"Jesus Christ is .....

.... the only name under heaven by which men are saved!"

By so saying, I have "blasphemed" Allah, Vishnu, The Force, Buddha, The Great Pumpkin, Ahura Mazda, The Spaghetti and Meatball thingy ... just for starters!

Someone owes me a lot of pizza! (They can keep it ...)

"And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent"
Acts 17:30

Smitty said...

i believe the sole purpose of the blaspheme challenge was to show how much people actually stress n their faith, mainly for christians who where the primary customers.